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Slime Alchemist
Slime Alchemist
A slimy dimensional traveller with the power to create special items using Slime Chunks.
Free Gold
NG+ Price
Free Gold
Accessible on each floor of the Wanderer Dungeon, in varying capacity.

For the final boss of the Wanderer Dungeon, see The Wanderer.

Potions[ | ]

You can purchase potions from the Alchemist at the end of each floor, with the type of potion available dependent on the floor you're on. These cost slime chunks and gold, and have a maximum craft limit of 5 per floor.

The gold cost at the Slime Alchemist is the same as the base value for HP Potions V-VIII, but the Hyper Potion keeps the base value it had in the base game. As one may notice from the table, the gold cost to buy the potions from The Wooden Hat during the day is the Slime Alchemist's gold cost or Base Value ×(4/3), and the evening/night price from The Wooden Hat is 95% of the day price.

Floor Potion Gold Cost Slime Cost Town Shop prices (night/day)
1 none - - -
2 HP Potion V 7500 Gold 10 Slime Chunks 9500/10,000 Gold
3-4 HP Potion VI 9750 Gold 20 Slime Chunks 12,350/13,000 Gold
5-6 HP Potion VII 12,000 Gold 40 Slime Chunks 15,200/16,000 Gold
7-8 HP Potion VIII 15,000 Gold 80 Slime Chunks 19,000/20,000 Gold
9 Hyper Potion 30,000 Gold 100 Slime Chunks 38,000/40,000 Gold

Trick Weapons[ | ]

If you acquire a blueprint from one of the Slime Chests, you can trade it with slime chunks to craft the weapon and unlock it for crafting on subsequent dungeon dives. The initial price depends on the weapon, and seems to vary at least between 45 for the Spore Sword to 145 for the Mechanic Big Sword. The cost to craft already unlocked blueprints is always the same, increases the further you proceed into the dungeon, but you also acquire even more powerful weapons. These weapons disappear once you leave the dungeon and must be recrafted if you wish to use them again.

You can only purchase weapons on the even floors. The costs on floors 2/4/6/8 are 50/110/180/360 slime, respectively.

Shortcuts[ | ]

Shortcuts can be purchased on every even floor that will allow you to reenter the dungeon from the start of that floor. It requires increasing amounts of gold and slime chunks while also requiring a specific amount of unique cursed items. These shortcuts are permanent for that playthrough after purchase.

Floor Gold Cost Slime Cost Cursed Items
2 120,000 Gold 60 Slime Chunks 2
4 240,000 Gold 120 Slime Chunks 2
6 480,000 Gold 240 Slime Chunks 2
8 960,000 Gold 480 Slime Chunks 2